Disasters of Peace @ Whitechapel Gallery & BIM

Sky Room screens as part of Disasters of Peace at Whitechapel Gallery (11/29) and Bienal de la Imagen en Movimiento (11/03), curated by Sam Jury and Kamila Kuc.


“A distinguishing feature of our age is the seismic shifts that have arisen from the after-burn of the 20th century: the end of the Cold War, the failed colonial projects giving rise to civil war and mass migration, the unfettered consumption that is slowly destroying the planet, the shifts towards political extremes, and the defiance of the rule of law through mass surveillance. In Western Democracies, we consider ourselves to be in the longest period of peace, but we increasingly fear the other. Paranoia and anxiety infuse our media. We are beset by dis-ease and forebodings of disaster, yet major disasters have already happened: the genocides of indigenous populations, Chernobyl and Fukushima, the Syrian refugee crises, Hurricane Harvey (Texas), Hurricane Maria (Puerto Rico), to name but a few. How then can we represent these caustic aftermaths to expose the slow violence they continue to enact? What languages can transform the legacy of recent histories into a constructive future view? This touring programme draws together artist filmmakers who in a myriad of ways, challenge the prevalent representations of disaster, beyond the apparatus of spectacle. Featured here are films that in varying ways respond to the ideas of transformation and re-imagining, works that are positioned in a place where we are as likely to look back as we are to imagine a future.”

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